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Football Tip Sheets

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Weekly Football Tip Sheets

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College & NFL Tip Sheet - Merged with Gridiron Gold Membership
College & NFL Tip Sheet with previews and projected scores for 3 college best bets and 2 pro best bets. This is a mini version of our Gridiron Gold Sheet Best Bets Newsletter. The only difference is that you get 5 total best bets rather than 9 best bets. Everything else is the same.

NFL Tip Sheet - Merged with Gridiron Gold Membership
NFL Tip Sheet with previews and projected scores for 2 NFL best bets. This is a mini version of our Gridiron Gold Sheet Best Bets Newsletter.
The only difference is that you get 2 total NFL best bets rather than 4 best bets.
Everything else is the same.

College Football Tip Sheet - Merged with Gridiron Gold Membership
College Football Tip Sheet with previews and projected scores for 3 college best bets. This is a mini version of our Gridiron Gold Sheet Best Bets Newsletter. The only difference is that you get 3 college best bets rather than 5 best bets. Everything else is the same.

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